Kimani "reading" to Autumn

Masha at soccer practice

Masha's twins

Autumn turns two

Double cold at the soccer tournament

Masha feeding the goats

The apple picking field trip

Upsidedown Autumn

The daddy train

Making gingerbread houses

Autumn playing piano

Princess Autumn blowing kisses to her fans

Now children, please tell Santa you want a nanny...

Christmas morning (minus Kimani who wouldn't stay in the picture)

Christmas stocking time

Masha our rock star in training

Autumn understood the whole present thing this year

Autumn and grandpa

Thanks for the pics...cannot believe how much Autumn has grown...she is so big and looks so good. My favorite is..Now children please tell Santa you want a nanny....made me chuckle out loud!!!! They are both (and all of the children) are beautiful!!!!
Stephanie Lynch
PS...we are the family that adopted Anastasia (you posted about her one time) she is home with us finally!!! doing amazing!!! You can find pics of her on our blog (I don't post as often as I should either) but I try to do atleast 2x a month....www.openedeyesadoption.blogspot.com
Thanks for sharing the pics! The girls and your boys are looking fantastic! Looks like you do need a Nanny! Too bad I don't live closer!!!
Oh my goodness MASHA. She is truly the most adorable, photogenic little girl. I'm such a fan. And I LOVE the picture of Kimani reading to Autumn. What a wonderful big sister.
Also, if you're in New England and seriously looking for a nanny or babysitter, I'd love to volunteer. :D
Such great pictures! Love the tutu and the daddy train.
Hope you all have a very Happy New Year!
LOVE the update and the precious photos. Your family looks very happy and lively...I need a nanny, too!
Hi Masha and Autumn
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