The number one question we get asked is “When do you expect to get the girls?” I don’t have an exact answer but I can tell you where we are at in the process.
February 27th: We found Arina on Reece’s Rainbow and decided to adopt her.
March 8th: We found Ametz/JCCA an accredited homestudy agency that met the necessary requirements.
From March 10 to March 31: We all visited doctors, had TB tests done, secured numerous documents, got fingerprinted, and did the 10 hour required international adoption parent training.
April 1: We had our homestudy visit and interviews.
May 14: We found out that Arina was no longer available for adoption. No one knows why. Perhaps she has already been adopted, or a family member came back for her. Or maybe she is in Heaven with God.
May 17: Andrea sent info about a baby named Peach who needs a family ASAP. Peach has a serious heart defect and will require immediate surgery once she gets to the US.
Later on May 17 Andrea sent pictures of an adorable three year old who is in the same baby house. She offered us the 2-for-1 special (just kidding :-)
May 18: We let Andrea know that we would take both Peach and Mallory.
May 20: We sent our promise trust and RR love offering.
May 25-present: Putting together our dossier. More trips to the doctor, blood lab, personnel office, fingerprinting office, town and county offices for deed, marriage certificates, birth certificates, etc. Visited the State Dept. for necessary document apostilles.
May 27: We received our completed homestudy.
June 3: Got fingerprinted again for state clearance letters. Over-nighted our i600a (petition to adopt an international orphan) forms to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service.
June 4: FedEx’d our power-of-attorney forms and petitions to our facilitator and legal representative in the Eastern European country we are adopting from.
This week we have been chasing down more paperwork, and we are almost DONE with that :-)
I don't want to jinx things but I would guess that we will be on our way to get our girls over the summer.
Here is where I want to send some love and thanks to my online sisters who have been with me, listening to me stress, sharing good advice and more, and just showing me an amazing amount of love and encouragement throughout this crazy journey.
Jennifer from
Three’s a Charm and
Saving Sofia Lisa from
Bridget’s Light and
Loving Alina And, my “
blood brother,” Lisa from
Genetically Enhanced