Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You Can Take the Girl Out of Ukraine

But can you take the Ukraine out of the girl?

The other day I took Masha to her follow-up eyedoctor appointment. It was hot out, really really hot out. When we returned to the van afterward and the side door slid open, virtual flames poofed out at us. Masha said, “hot” and I agreed. In fact it was so hot that I worried that she might overheat while I was strapping her into her carseat and whatnot before I could get the AC going. As I was inserting the clips into the buckle, she reached down and pulled up my NY Giants fleece blanket that I keep in the van. I pushed it away and reminded her that it was HOT. She pulled it back and tucked it over herself, up under her chin. Seriously, Masha, seriously? Only a Ukrainian girl (okay maybe an Eastern European girl) would put a blanket over her on a hot summer day.

That got me thinking about how much Masha is still a little Ukrainian. She has a thing for my sexy heels. She does not like to be undressed, and will in fact layer herself in her own and anyone else’s clothes she can find. She mothers her little sisters and scolds us all as she sees fit.


She calls me “Mommika”. It happened about six months after she came home. She was in her crib and she wanted out... I heard her calling to me, “Mama... Mama... Maaaaama... Maaaa---ma... Mommika.” There it was... my sweetheart name. Though we did not change her name, we never called her by the sweetheart version of it. She did not get this from us. It is something she remembered from her native culture. And I love it. I love to hear her sing-song voice calling to me when she really wants me, “Mom--mi--ka.”

And yet, she is an American girl. I heard her in the livingroom one day yelling at my oldest son, “I want Wii!” Ever since my girlfriend babysat her and spoiled her with ice, she wants ice cubes in her cup, and she will not stop pestering me until she gets them. Now she eats what she likes, and leaves the rest. She has even learned how to hold and eat a hamburger sandwich. And she looooves ice cream.


Brain freeze?

Soccer girl

Easter basket delight

Gift from Grandma and Grandpa in Ukraine

Strawberry picking

Walking with the Gecko


Rochelle said...

Love the mammika! Super cute and I love that you still have contact with her birth grandparents. That is a huge blessing.

Sandie Flannery said...

Wow! To have known her in Ukraine and to see her now BLOWS MY MIND!!! She is one amazingly beautiful, bright little girl who is blessed to be your daughter! And you are blessed to be her Mommika!! What a joy!!

Unknown said...

love this post!!! I am so happy to have met them :) and you! love those faces more than ever.

Melissa said...

Love the tiara and the bracelets! And the box from her grandparents just melts my heart.

anna said...

It is so good to get an update on Masha! Thank you. How fun that grandparents still send her gifts! I propose a test of real Ukrainness: does she like eat pure lard they call "salo"?

Melissa (& Billy) said...

Brain freeze pic is the best ever! Love it!

Smilen Champ said...

Hi Masha
My name is Jenna, you are a brave, courageous fighter and an inspiration. You are a beautiful princess. You are a special miracle from god, a gift from above, an earthly angel, and a smilen hero.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and have 14 other medical conditions, and developmental delays.
I wrote this poem
Each of us are Special
Each of us different,
No one is the same
Each of are us are unique in our own way,
Those of us who have challenges, we smile through our day.
It doesen't matter what other's say
we are special anyway.
What is forty feet and sings? the school chior

Anonymous said...

She is too cute! :)

Katherine said...

What a beautiful little girl!! I check your blog frequently for updates...hint hint ;)

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